The Trip Log in Polarsteps
We have decided to go over to using Su's Polarssteps log for our trip logs from now on.
This is because it is hard work blogging on a trip, especially if you have camping to organise when you arrive, and PolarSteps makes it much easier.
At present only one person can blog a trip or it gets confused (Polarsteps promise to solve this soon. But for the moment we are using Su's blog, and I will add comments.)
The Netherlands Trip Log is here:
Anyone can follow it - in a browser. Click on Su's profile and select Follow.
In addition, if you have the app (available on iOS or Android) then you can become a registered user and get notifications of people's movements and add comments to the blog.
Our final route took us back via Antwerp - then train to Ostend, then back along the coast.
The round trip was about 550km in the saddle (including tourism in Delft.Den Hague and Rotterdam). Out travelling days varied between 43km for the shortest day and a couple of days of 72 km.
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